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The Elk and Wapiti Society of New Zealand is a breed society and our aim is to:-


• promote the breed and their role in the New Zealand deer industry

• promote all attributes of elk and wapiti

• provide information and assistance for anybody interested in farming elk and wapiti

• drive changes to make farming elk and wapiti more profitable

• undertake research for the benefit of our members

• provide a network of like-minded farmers passionate about elk and wapiti



All interested people are welcome to join the society - see our membership application.


At our AGM elections are held for society office bearers and currently these people are,


President:   Grant Hasse                                                                                                               

Secretary:    Jade Hasse                                                                                                                               

Treasurer:    Grant Hasse                                                                                                                              


Council: Dave Lawrence, Geoffrey Pullar, Hamish Bartholomew,

Dean Wilkinson, Tony Pullar,  John Falconer, Tracey McLean, Callum McLean, Jade Hasse, Laura Waller. 


Members are from all over New Zealand and some have taken the opportunity to be listed on our member profile page. If you are in their area and want to talk Wapiti you are encouraged to make contact.


Life Members of the Elk and Wapiti Society of New Zealand include Sir Tim Wallis, Dr Ken Drew, Tony Pearse, John Barber, Dave Lawrence .


The society was formed in 1986 and since then has been responsible for some ground-breaking industry changes. Past Presidents of the society include many iconic individuals from the New Zealand deer industry.


More information on the history of Elk & Wapiti Society of New Zealand here.


The Elk and Wapiti Society of New Zealand is an Incorporated Society

© 2014 EWSNZ . All rights reserved.

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