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*Paul Waller: Waller family farm at Lumsden, Inland Northern Southland. We farm 1200 acres plus lease 120 acres. 1120 acres are deer fenced. 900 hybrid hinds mostly mated to elk venison sires. 120 elk cows mated to top elk bulls, 120 bulls with velvet and trophy potential. Trading and fattening cattle also. 170 Wiltshire ewes (shedding) selling rams and ewes. Spare time fishing. ph 03 248 7247


*Grant Hasse: Owner of Hasse Elk Farm Rolleston, Christchurch. I am building a niche herd of "Typical Antlered" elk and wapiti for the trophy market. I am currently a councillor for the EWSNZ and have been involved with the elk and wapiti industry for over ten years. ph 03 347 2234


*Tracey & Andrew McLean: – Achnahanat is situated on the foothills at Sheffield, Canterbury. We farm 500 head of elk on a 230 acre property. I am a confirmed ‘Elkaholic’. The primary focus of our property is Trophy Elk Bulls which we have been selling for a number of years, we also supply terminal sires annually to a handful of loyal customers. Email


*Dave Lawrence – I operate Tikana Wapiti stud with my partner Donna Day at Browns near Winton in Southland. Tikana is just 100acres and our focus is producing 3year old bulls and yearling Wapiti cows for our annual auction. We run approx 200 head of deer and while selection has been primarily focused on velvet in the past, greater emphasis is now on growth rate and carcass attributes. My past life was in veterinary 03 236 4117 e


*The Falconer family including 3 generations live on Clachanburn station, we farm a mixed deer farm with our main focus being venison production. Clachanburn now has 10,000 acres deer fenced with a balance of large high country blocks and irrigated paddocks. We will be wintering approximately 5000 deer including 700 fully recorded elk cows which we breed stud sires for our own use, terminal sires for sale and trophy bulls for our hunting operation. We have been farming elk for 25 years and between my farther ( Charles ) and myself we have been actively involved in the EWSNZ for fair part of that time. Being a passionate about deer performance I got involved in DEER select a number of years ago and subsequently the DPT, I have committed myself both emotionally and financially to the deer industry and have huge faith in elk/wapiti being a key part of that industry. John Falconer 03 444 7511



*John McGrath. We farm 2,300 acres at Waikari in North Canterbury. Building up to 600 Wapiti cross hinds, and using elk/wapiti stags from Clachanburn. Aim to fatten the offspring to 100kg by mid October before the next drop. Also farm 3000 ewes and 100 angus cows fattening all the offspring. Farm managed by Scott Hassall. Visitors welcome. Ph 03 314 4688. Email





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